A man and woman sitting next to each other.

Marriage Counseling in Lake Ozark

We Need Counseling !! We Need Help !! Have you ever thought or said these words? Well I have. I used to work outside the home and get kudos from others around me, but now I was at home with kids in junior high and high school. I felt trapped and alone. My husband’s work

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VIDEO: How Technology Has Changed Family Life: A Multimedia Mashup

How Technology Has Changed Family Life: A Multimedia Mashup” was created by Lauren Campbell, a Communications student at St. Joseph’s University. This project was given in the Communication Ethics course at Saint Joseph’s University, taught by Dr. Mike Lyons. This assignment was created for a class and as a result, falls under Fair Use Guidelines

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A conference banner with some people and the words " 2 0 1 6 conference 2 0 1 5 ".

D6 Conference Sept 26-28, 2012

Wow it’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since the last D6 Conference in Dallas.  David and I are excited this year to be accompanied by a new friend to Faith At Home Ministries, David Batty, from Graceland Church in Camdenton, MO.  In addition there are two more couples we will meet

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Man and woman walking on campus.

Video: 180 Distribution at Mizzou and Planned Parenthood

This is a quick video captured on April 10th, 2012 of a group of believers from Lake of the Ozarks that traveled to Columbia, MO to hand out the 180 movie at Mizzou and Planned Parenthood. If you haven’t seen the 180 movie, you can watch it for free by going to 180movie.com. Please share

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Weekly Campfire Meeting

Last night we had our weekly campfire meeting.  I call it that because since we have gone outdoors, it resembles those great meetings at summer camp.  Remember? We would start out with a familiar chorus or spiritual. We often harmonized on our favorites, “Not my father, not my mother, but it’s me oh Lord, standing

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D6 Days: Free online conference sessions.

D6 Conference Coming This Fall

D6 Conference, Dallas, TX Sept 26-28, 2012 You won’t want to miss this Deuteronomy 6 Faith At Home Conference http://www.d6conference.com/

Here's an alt tag for the image: Faith At Home Ministries logo

Welcome to our new website!

Take a look around and get familiar with our new website! We have added new pages for blogs, books that we use, resources, and much more! You can now read testimonials, see upcoming events, check out our small groups, and read some about us and our ministry plans! If you like what you see, help

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