First and foremost, we give all the glory to God for His perfect plan. Our journey together began in 2011, with David and Sheila standing beside us as witnesses to a union that the Lord had ordained. However, like most new marriages, we encountered stumbling blocks along the way.
Love and Respect played a significant role, especially in my personal growth, helping us establish a relationship designed by God – a loving, kind, and respectful union second only to the Lord above.
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” – Ephesians 5:33
Our lives are now like shepherds; we have fellow workers who ask questions about our beliefs, our lives, and our marriage, and we can see God dealing with each one. Madison is a pillar in high school, known by her peers for standing with God amid the challenges that our public schools face today.
We attribute our happiness, in part, to the Love and Respect series and to the leadership of our small group that God has brought into our lives to help guide us.
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