Sept 26-28, 2012
You won’t want to miss this Deuteronomy 6 Faith At Home Conference
First and foremost, we give all the glory to God for His perfect plan. Our journey together began in 2011, with David and Sheila standing beside us as witnesses to a union that the Lord had ordained. However, like most new marriages, we encountered stumbling blocks along the way.
Love and Respect played a significant role, especially in my personal growth, helping us establish a relationship designed by God – a loving, kind, and respectful union second only to the Lord above.
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” – Ephesians 5:33
Our lives are now like shepherds; we have fellow workers who ask questions about our beliefs, our lives, and our marriage, and we can see God dealing with each one. Madison is a pillar in high school, known by her peers for standing with God amid the challenges that our public schools face today.
We attribute our happiness, in part, to the Love and Respect series and to the leadership of our small group that God has brought into our lives to help guide us.
Tim says:
“Over the last decade, Sara and I have been witness to the transformative power of making Christ the cornerstone of our family. This journey simply began with the Love and Respect class offered by Faith at Home. With three children and several more life experiences than we thought we’d have, our faith has not only sustained us but helped us thrive. It’s one thing to have belief, it’s another when someone comes along side you to show you how to live out your faith in your family setting. Because of this ministry we’ve been able to center our family around Christ which enriched our marriage and communication profoundly. This faith in action has deeply influenced our kids, guiding them to live a Christ-centered life also. We’ve faced challenges as a family with a strengthened bond, thanks to the foundation laid by these classes and materials. For anyone yearning for a deeper Christ-centered relationship with their spouse and children, this class is invaluable. We’re deeply grateful for how Faith at Home has nurtured and guided our family’s spiritual walk!”
Sara says:
“If you had asked me a decade ago if I thought Faith at Home was worth doing, I’d have said absolutely. Now I would say it is IMPERATIVE. When we read the Bible, we see God’s instructions on incorporating His word in everything we do- especially with our families. But the HOW of ‘teaching diligently to your children, and speaking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you get up (Deuteronomy 6) is hard to do on your own. Many of us grew up without the model of this in our own homes so we struggle to know where to begin. The answer is marriage, by the way. But with classes and tools such as the ones provided by Faith at Home, our family was discipled in the HOW. It has changed how all of us love each other, how we communicate (which was a major marital game changer from Love and Respect), and our relationship with others. It’s enabled us to come alongside other families that are dealing with the same struggles as we were and help show them how to love their spouse and love and raise children in a truth-infused home. With Christ at the helm we’ve been blessed enough to see all three of our children devote their lives to Christ and bear fruit! We’ve come through many struggles, faced hard truths, and experienced unexplainable peace, joy, and growth because of the Christ-centered foundation that Faith at Home helped us to build.
My fiancé and I have already learned so much from the Love and Respect class. It’s amazing how different our needs are, as well as how we communicate/interpret things. I highly recommend L&R for any married, engaged, dating couple or singles as well. If you have a significant other, take this class!
Just finished 29th Love and Respect class–this one at Parkview Christian Church in Sedalia. Loved their feedback. One young woman said she recognized the crazy cycle this week and got off of it. Pastor said he liked when Emererson talked about how we gals can start videdo tapping the guys after they walk off and won’t talk to us–but we are clueless to the fact–that they are walking off because they felt disrespected by us. One woman said, my husband and I are kinda different, I’m the one who walks off and he’s the one who tries to get me to talk. But, I land on love (walked off when I felt unloved); he lands on respect (tries to get me to talk to him cuz he felt disrespected). It was a great class! We will miss seeing them!